We’re Mel and Tel, it didn’t happen like that on purpose, we promise.   It wasn’t our plan to have rhyming names.We met almost four years ago, fell in love and then Mel left.  Well, let me clarify, she didn’t ‘leave’ Tel, per se, but she did leave for a 6 week backpacking trip in South America.  

Tel was devastated. 

Mel is a wanderer, she’s been to every continent except Australia.  Before Mel, Tel had been to one continent, North America. 

We’re a couple, in life and business.  Mel is a nomad.  Tel is a reformed reluctant traveller. 

We’re getting ready, transferring over our other blogs and following a whole bunch of awesome world travellers and trying to heed their advice.  We’re in the process of learning to be location independent.  We’re going to blow this popsicle stand and head for the hills, likely the Andes since we love it so much.

We realized recently that waiting another 10, 15 or 20 years to do and see what we want seemed especially heinous, like Law and Order.  What if we don’t live past 55?  We will have spent our entire lives working, waiting to enjoy a moment that will never exist.  It made us both sad.

We’re going to post the conversations, the debates, the information we learn and the trials and tribulations we encounter along the way.  We hope you enjoy our photos, our chatter and our occassional rants.  As we find out more about how to be location independent, we’ll let you know. 

Welcome to our journey, we hope you enjoy the ride.